Ode to a Fire Hydrant: A Poem for Dog Lovers

Dog Park Fire HydrantHave we mentioned before that we really love what we do? If not, here goes: We love dogs. We love dog parks. We love being able to help improve the quality of life for people and their pets. Seriously pinching ourselves over here. That being said, we also think dog parks are fun, so designing dog parks and pet products is pretty darn fun too.

We asked our customers and fans to put on their creative thinking caps, and write some prose about the relationship between a dog and a fire hydrant for a chance to win a FREE custom Fire Hydrant. We refer to a Fire Hydrant as the “office water cooler” of the dog park and were curious if there were any other analogies. Sure enough, everyone delivered!

Winning Poem from Burton Carol Management

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue,

Residents with four legs, truly matter too.

That is why we create, an area to play,

So our furry loved ones, can enjoy the day.

Complete with fire hydrants that are red, causing people to smile.

Our fenced in Bark Parks, keep pets happy for awhile.

So choose one of our properties, where our furry pets rule.

And visit one of our dog parks, which are incredibly cool!

Runner Ups:

Roses are red, Violets are blue,

I am Scruffy, I eat, sleep & poo!

Our dog park needs a fire hydrant,

So I can piddle too!

If we win, We’d definitely say thank YOU!


Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Dogs need to run

Pups need to play

Isn’t that their job?

Just to make our day!

By: Friends of Ellicott Island Bark Park


Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Dog-On-It Hydrants

Are better than Scooby-Do’s


Roses are red violets are blue

My dog chews on everything,

Especially my shoes.

She really can’t help it,

As soon as she’s smelt it,

That shoe she must have,

Good luck trying to grab.

She runs and she plays,

My shoes I must save!

She’s fast and she’s wily,

My silly girl, Riley.

***Disclaimer, this is based on the true story of our shoe snatching shelter dog.***

More Dog Park Resources

Want more tips and helpful information about dog park design and planning? Check out some of our helpful resources below.